

I’ve been listening to Austrian composer Peter Androsch, or rather one work of his, since Michael Northam first shared it with me when I was 21. Today I heard everything else. What Michael first shared was Bellum Docet Omnia: The Implosion of Values and it blew my mind. — Matt Marble, musicologist (Princeton University)

The artist born in 1963 in the Upper Austrian city of Wels can be called a sound artist in the truest sense of its meaning: hearing sound, understanding it, shaping it, holding onto it. This yields music, acoustic ecology, language and sound recordings (as acoustic and visual documents). Peter Androsch is convinced that you can find out more about the world if you listen closely than if you look closely. After his education both at university as well as in a working environment, and extensive tours through Europe, Africa, and the USA, he has intensively dedicated himself to compositional work in the fields of musical theatre and chamber music since the 1990s. Peter Androsch is a lecturer at the art university in Linz. As the head of the musical department for the cultural capital of Europe in 2009 in Linz, Peter Androsch founded the Hörstadt, a laboratory for acoustics, space, and society in 2006, and together with Bernd Preinfalk the network of european advanced musik (neam). Numerous exhibitions show the growing importance of his phonographies sound-writings. Peter Androsch is internationally active as a musician, composer, an artist with space and writing, a researcher, a writer, and as an lecturer.


Austrian State Prize for Music 2023 / Faust – Nomination for the German Stage Art Award Faust 2012 for the children’s opera „Freunde!“ (Friends!) at Staatsoper Hannover / Pasticciopreis Radio Ö1 (ORF) / Upper Austrian Anton Bruckner scholarship (A) 2004 / Austrian national scholarship for composition (A) 2002 / Scholarship of Thomas-Bernhard-Archiv Gmunden (A) 2002 / Upper Austrian Landeskulturpreis for music (A) 2000 / Publicity Prize of Austro-Mechana (A) 1999 / Talent promotion prize for music from the province of Upper Austria (A) 1996 / Scholarship for the promotion of art from the city of Linz (A) / Prize of the Jury for “Hasenjagd/The Quality of Mercy” (Director: A. Gruber) Film Festival San Sebastian (E)

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