Peter Androsch is a sound artist: shaping sound, understanding sound, holding onto sound. Sound is not just sound rather sound waves. His extensive work is shown here within the four categories of composing, playing, phonography and the Hörstadt.

Androsch is a philosopher and a jack of all trades at the same time, a conceptual carnival artist. He knows his way around silence.
Eleonore Büning in the “Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung” 2013

Even after the so-called Bruckner Year in 2024, will continue to offer a loving approach to the composer Anton Bruckner. / The KINEMATOMETAPHORATON deals with the connection between Bruckner’s music, the history of film and the accordion. Coming soon. / GUSEN CONVOLUTE: Reflections on the songs composed in the Gusen concentration camp, mainly by Polish composers, will be created until 2026. Soon permanently available on the internet.


Ever since the 1980s composing has played a central part in the creative work of Peter Androsch. Particularly in the area of musical theatre his particular fortitude in artistic creation can be seen, a strength that combines theatre, sound, and space: “Peter Androsch composes in the same way that Man Ray created his first Dada piece”, says Wolfgang Schlag in the Pasticcio in the cultural program of OE1 in 2007.



Making music is still very important to Peter Androsch. He performs in various settings with guitar, organ or melodica. This also includes concepts for concerts, music installations or festivals. Especially in his younger years, an intensive concert career in Europe, the USA and Africa with bands like Monochrome Bleu shaped his artistic life.


Peter Androsch has dubbed his sound-writings Phonographies. They arise through multiple layering, like sound is created by interference of sound waves. The pictures are based on musical and historical handwritings, sketches and photographs.

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The concept for the Hörstadt was developed in 2006 as a central piece in the musical department of the cultural capital of Europe of 2009 in Linz, of which Peter Androsch was the head. It was conceived as a laboratory for acoustics, space, and society, and so the Hörstadt was able to develop new methods such as  anthropological acoustics and inclusive acoustics. Its central concern is designing the acoustic surroundings as humanely as possible.

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